Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Entry 005 Come On 2012!

Much has gone on since my last entry. I have been sick off and on with random semi-major illnesses, all of which I have recovered from. Meanwhile, I have been doing a lot more spiritual research to try to rediscover the balance in my spiritual health.

I've been doing a lot of studies on Neo and Tribal Shamanism and out of all of my studies I have come to find that I have many of the beliefs and practices of many traditions of Shamanism. Later I came to realize that severe sicknesses are considered to be a calling to Shamanism, and that if you deny or ignore the call, you continue to get sick--sometimes it stays the same and you just keep getting sick over and over with odd and random ailments of various seriousness...and sometimes the ailments get progressively worse. Mine have been very random indeed. Upon looking back I realized that I have had one single Epileptic Seizure the doctors couldn't explain, I have had prophetic dreams and visions both while sleeping and wide awake (and serious verifiable cases of dejavu.) Then I began to go into the doctor's office with random ailments such as rashes that can't be explained, in one case I was told I had a rare and benign disease that went away just as quickly as it had come--it left my skin red and splotchy for about a week, and then it was gone. I had frequent dizzy spells where I not only got dizzy, but I lost my eye sight, sense of smell, sense of touch, and sense of hearing each time it happened. Recently, I randomly developed Cellulitus in a lymph node in my leg which lasted for a month while I was on pain killers and antibiotics for it. (Note: cellulitus is usually caused by a scratch typically from an animal in your deep tissue which causes an infection....I never had a scratch there from animal or otherwise, deep or shallow.) Now recently due to the antibiotics and some modicum of emotional stress over the winter holidays, I developed a case of Candida (also known as Thrush.) I was told it could take up to a year to get rid of Thrush, and yet here I am having beaten it in nearly three and a half weeks.

I am always getting sick with things that are serious, could get serious, or should all take a long while to get rid of--and I always bounce right back from it in record time.

So, I decided to accept my calling and study more on it. Since then my ailments have been decreasing, my energy flow has been realigning, and I feel....more. That's the best way I can describe it. Just more.

I was also recently named High Priest of the House of Sacred Mother & Child, and we're getting ready to head some major projects such as an artist Co-op Store, a Community Grimoire, and several other smaller projects. We have also begun teaching, having opened the Midnight Star School of Witchcraft.

I survived the Swine Flu, Chicken Pox Epidemic, Y2K Bug, and 9/ come, 2012 , I welcome you with gusto and I look forward to the challenges and triumphs to come.

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