Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Entry 010: Coining the Phrase: Successful Money Magick.

So while participating in the Pagan Blog Project 2012, I received my weekly challenge: any topic with the letter "C."

So I'm cheating the system since I came across something I'd like to address: successful money magick.

I always hear about people performing money spells or spells for success, wealth, health and abundance, however when I look into these spells, what I see happening frequently is very poor wording which makes the caster sound both selfish and thoughtless toward those around them.

Here is a perfect example of one such spell:

If you're looking to grow your finances as part of the growing season, gather together a large green candle, 9 coins, and some cinnamon.  Carve dollar signs into the candle along with your name.  Sprinkle cinnamon over the top of the candle (dress with a money drawing oil if you wish).  Place the coins in a circle around the base of the candle.  Gaze into the flame and focus on seeing your bank account increase, say:

"Money flows
Money grows
Money shines
Money's mine!"

Repeat this chant with increasing energy until the energy peaks.  When done shout out a powerful SO MOTE IT BE and release the energy.  Let the candle burn down and when it's done save the coins, placing them in a piece of green cloth or a green spell back with a little more cinnamon and either carry with your wallet or keep with your checkbook and banking paperwork. 

This spell is great in theory. It covers the herbs and items needed and the type of focus and energy needed to be raised for this spell. However, take a close look at the wording of the chant itself. Can you see anything wrong with this picture?

The whole focus is just on your own gain and increase! No, I'm not talking about personal gain. Wishing for growth and financial success is common and not exactly cause for karmic retribution. No--what I would like to draw your attention to is the lack of concern for WHERE exactly the money is coming from. That money doesn't just magickally appear, as much as we would love for it to do just that. It has to come from somewhere. Without being more specific in the wording, we could bring about the death of a relative we didn't know we had who had a great amount of life insurance or inheritance that now belongs to you--or a bad car accident where you feel compelled to enter a lawsuit and sue that person for all they're worth.

Where you are lending your energies is very important, and it is also important to remember " harm to none, so mote it be!" The power of words is often misunderstood and underestimated. While we may understand the meaning behind what we want, how we choose to communicate that to the Powers that Be is very important.

A more appropriate spell for successful growth or monetary gain would be more like thins:

"Money, money come to me
                              In abundance three times three
                              May I be enriched in the best of ways
                              Harming none on its way
                              This I accept, so mote it be
                              Bring me money three times three!"

In this way, you are keeping in mind that no harm should befall anyone with the gain of this money, and are open to it coming in any form: a new job, finding change while cleaning the couch, finding a few dollar in your pants pocket you hadn't worn in over a week, a friend offering money in exchange for a favor, etc...

Remember that the spells you cast and the energy you raise affect not only yourself, but those around you as well.

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